Below is a list of things you should check with your contractor.
Is the contractor licensed in the category of work he or she will be doing?
- You should verify that the license is current and up to date.
- You should verify that the holder of the license qualifies the company you are hiring.
- Does the contractor have liability insurance?
- Does the contractor have workman’s comp insurance?
- Does the contractor have at least 3 years or experience in the trade?
- Make sure that everything is done with a permit.
- Make sure that the name of the contractor you hired is the same on the permit.
- Once the installation is complete, make sure that the contractor has scheduled the final inspection with the correct municipality.
- Find out about the warranties of the products before you sign a contract.
- Find out how long the contractor has been in business.
- Make sure that you receive a written contract that outlines all the details of the work to be done.
- Do they service the products they installed?
- Do they replace rotten bucks?
- How much will the permit cost?
- Will they be able to supply you with at least 3 references?